Overview Search
Number of Categories: 4
folder0IBX for Lazarus has moved to GitHub Subcategories: 0 Files: 0

IBX 4 Lazarus has moved to GitHub along with the fbintf and ibcontrols packages. Please redirect to https://github.com/MWASoftware.

folder1Text Editors Subcategories: 0 Files: 2

J-Write and SuperTED Text Editors

folder2Merge Modules Subcategories: 2 Files: 41

We have created our own set of Firebird Merge Modules for use with Windows Installer, and, in the interests of ensuring commonality with other developers, we have made our Merge Modules available under the Initial Developer's Public License.

Please note that these merge modules are no longer maintained.

folder3Uncategorised Subcategories: 0 Files: 0