
Even if you are familiar with our earlier Merge Modules for Firebird, you should read this page.

These merge modules support:

  • Client Only installations
  • Installation of either the Classic or Super Server versions of the Firebird Server.
  • Installation under Windows 9X, NT4/2K/XP.
  • Installation as the Local System User or as a non-privileged user.
  • Automatic configuration of the Windows Firebird (under XP SP2 onwards)
  • Automatic Upgrade of earlier versions.

 Client Only Installations

If you are using the Merge Modules to support an application installation then you will need only to include the Client Merge Module with your installation script. Under Installshield Express, this is done by selecting it from the list of "redistributable". Optionally, you may also include the command line tools Merge Module, if you wish your users to have access to these tools.

However, you may want to read this first. 

Server Installations

If you the Merge Modules to install a Firebird Server then you need to include both the Client and one of the Server Merge Module with your installation script. Optionally, you may also include the command line tools Merge Module, if you wish your users to have access to these tools. Note that the Server Merge Modules are mutually incompatible and only one can be included.

Typically, you will include either the Classic or the Super Server Merge Module and configure it, if required, to prompt the user to allow stopping a running server prior to upgrade or uninstall.

If you are targeting Lock Down environments, then you may prefer to use the lock down versions of the Merge Modules. These install the Firebird Server under a normal user account "FIREBIRDSQL" and it will run with that user's privileges. However, note that the Lock Down versions will not install under Windows 9X, NT4 or a Personal (crippled) version of Windows XP. This is because the required API is not available.